A personal update from Sam Gombra

Published: 22-02-2021



This month, ETA Shipping moved from Groningen to Leeuwarden. They settled on the WaterCampus in the Johannes de Doper church: “A place where we feel completely at home with all our innovation ambitions”, says Sam Gombra, Founding Director of ÈTA Shipping. "We cannot wait until the corona measures will be lifted and we can start using our new office."


Why did ÈTA Shipping move to Leeuwarden?

"Leeuwarden offers a nice network of knowledge institutes, has good facilities and is a place where water technology and hydrogen technology come together." ÈTA Shipping is a shipping company, but not just any one: “It is the first shipping company set up to make shipping more sustainable in an economically feasible way. I am convinced that making shipping more sustainable is possible by making and doing everything more efficiently, simply because this CAN be done; not only shipbuilding but also the technical, operational and commercial management of ships. "


Why is the shipping company called ‘ÈTA Shipping’?

“We have chosen the “η” as the company logo because the Greek letter η (pronounced “èta”) is the symbol used for efficiency in physics and ÈTA Shipping focuses its strategy on achieving superior efficiency in shipping. ÈTA Shipping's mission is to significantly reduce harmful emissions from ships, increase safety and efficiency at sea, using data and modern technologies. The sea transport chain then becomes much more efficient by reducing energy consumption and operational costs: Smaller ecological footprint, better results and higher yield is: 'Sustainable through Efficiency!' By reducing the energy requirement, the step to 'zero emissions' is much smaller and this ultimate goal is within reach. The ship from our first project: the ÈTA 6700 proves that this CAN be done. The first series of these ships will be built soon. ”


What is planned for the coming period?

“The further development, construction and supervision of our first project. In addition, we will advise and guide shipping colleagues on more efficient, i.e. sustainable ship design and ship management. Our aim is to be a strategically mature shipping company in five years' time with an optimally functioning management and development division that continues to pursue innovation and is constantly looking for new opportunities. And we are well on our way! We now have a team of 9 enthusiastic and motivated professionals who each contribute within their own expertise to achieving our innovative objectives.”


What is ÈTA shipping’s role in the Energy Transition? 

“To create a commercially and technically feasible ship as a platform that integrates all systems of the ship to adapt energy efficient technologies without major changes. This makes it possible to further develop and apply energy-reducing methods. Our ÈTA 6700 already emits 50% less than regular ships right now. Our goal is to reduce emissions to zero.